eloquent/pathogen API


AbsolutePathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen
Represents an absolute path.
AbsolutePathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen
The interface implemented by absolute paths.
AbstractPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen
Abstract base class for implementing PathInterface.
AbstractPath::atoms() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get the atoms of this path.
AbstractPath::atomAt() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get a single path atom by index.
AbstractPath::atomAtDefault() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get a single path atom by index, falling back to a default if the index is undefined.
AbstractInvalidPathAtomExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
Abstract base class for exceptions implementing InvalidPathAtomExceptionInterface.
AbstractInvalidPathAtomException::atom() — Method in class AbstractInvalidPathAtomException
Get the invalid path atom.
AbstractInvalidPathExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
Abstract base class for exceptions implementing InvalidPathExceptionInterface.
InvalidPathAtomExceptionInterface::atom() — Method in class InvalidPathAtomExceptionInterface
Get the invalid path atom.
AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem
The interface implemented by absolute file system paths.
AbstractFileSystemPathFactoryClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\Factory
Abstract base class for classes implementing FileSystemPathFactoryInterface.
PathInterface::atoms() — Method in class PathInterface
Get the atoms of this path.
PathInterface::atomAt() — Method in class PathInterface
Get a single path atom by index.
PathInterface::atomAtDefault() — Method in class PathInterface
Get a single path atom by index, falling back to a default if the index is undefined.
AbsoluteUnixPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix
Represents an absolute Unix path.
AbsoluteUnixPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix
The interface implemented by absolute Unix paths.
AbsoluteWindowsPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows
Represents an absolute Windows path.
AbsoluteWindowsPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows
The interface implemented by absolute Windows paths.


BasePathResolverClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Resolver
A path resolver that resolves against base paths.
BasePathResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Resolver
The interface implemented by path resolvers that resolve against a base path.
FixedBasePathResolver::basePath() — Method in class FixedBasePathResolver
Get the base path used by this resolver.


AbstractPath::contains() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path contains a substring.
InvalidPathAtomCharacterException::character() — Method in class InvalidPathAtomCharacterException
Get the invalid character that caused the exception.
PathFactory::create() — Method in class PathFactory
Creates a new path instance from its string representation.
PathFactory::createFromAtoms() — Method in class PathFactory
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.
PathFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class PathFactoryInterface
Creates a new path instance from its string representation.
PathFactoryInterface::createFromAtoms() — Method in class PathFactoryInterface
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.
AbstractFileSystemPathFactory::createWorkingDirectoryPath() — Method in class AbstractFileSystemPathFactory
Create a path representing the current working directory.
AbstractFileSystemPathFactory::createTemporaryDirectoryPath() — Method in class AbstractFileSystemPathFactory
Create a path representing the system temporary directory.
AbstractFileSystemPathFactory::createTemporaryPath() — Method in class AbstractFileSystemPathFactory
Create a path representing a suitable for use as the location for a new temporary file or directory.
FileSystemPathFactory::create() — Method in class FileSystemPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from its string representation.
FileSystemPathFactory::createFromAtoms() — Method in class FileSystemPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.
FileSystemPathFactoryInterface::createWorkingDirectoryPath() — Method in class FileSystemPathFactoryInterface
Create a path representing the current working directory.
FileSystemPathFactoryInterface::createTemporaryDirectoryPath() — Method in class FileSystemPathFactoryInterface
Create a path representing the system temporary directory.
FileSystemPathFactoryInterface::createTemporaryPath() — Method in class FileSystemPathFactoryInterface
Create a path representing a suitable for use as the location for a new temporary file or directory.
PlatformFileSystemPathFactory::create() — Method in class PlatformFileSystemPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from its string representation.
PlatformFileSystemPathFactory::createFromAtoms() — Method in class PlatformFileSystemPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.
PathInterface::contains() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path contains a substring.
UnixPathFactory::createFromAtoms() — Method in class UnixPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.
WindowsPathFactory::create() — Method in class WindowsPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from its string representation.
WindowsPathFactory::createFromAtoms() — Method in class WindowsPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.
WindowsPathFactory::createFromDriveAndAtoms() — Method in class WindowsPathFactory
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms and a drive specifier.
WindowsPathFactoryInterface::createFromDriveAndAtoms() — Method in class WindowsPathFactoryInterface
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms and a drive specifier.


AbsoluteWindowsPath::drive() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Get this path's drive specifier.
DriveMismatchExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows\Exception
The drive specifiers of the two paths do not match.
InvalidDriveSpecifierException::drive() — Method in class InvalidDriveSpecifierException
Get the invalid drive specifier.
RelativeWindowsPath::drive() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Get this path's drive specifier.
WindowsPathInterface::drive() — Method in class WindowsPathInterface
Get this path's drive specifier.


AbstractPath::extension() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get this path's last extension.
AbstractPath::endsWith() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path ends with a substring.
EmptyPathAtomExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
An empty path atom was supplied.
EmptyPathExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
No path atoms were supplied when constructing a new relative path.
PathInterface::extension() — Method in class PathInterface
Get this path's last extension.
PathInterface::endsWith() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path ends with a substring.


AbsolutePath::fromString() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Creates a new absolute path from its string representation.
AbsolutePath::fromAtoms() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Creates a new absolute path from a set of path atoms.
FileSystemPathFactoryClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\Factory
A path factory that produces file system paths by inspecting the supplied string, and determining the most suitable path type to use.
FileSystemPathFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\Factory
The interface implemented by path factories that deal with file system paths.
FileSystemPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem
A static utility class for constructing file system paths.
FileSystemPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem
The interface implemented by all file system paths.
FileSystemPathNormalizerClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\Normalizer
A path normalizer capable or normalizing any type of file system path.
PathNormalizer::factory() — Method in class PathNormalizer
Get the path factory used by this normalizer.
Path::fromString() — Method in class Path
Creates a new path instance from its string representation.
Path::fromAtoms() — Method in class Path
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.
RelativePath::fromString() — Method in class RelativePath
Creates a new relative path instance from its string representation.
RelativePath::fromAtoms() — Method in class RelativePath
Creates a new relative path from a set of path atoms.
FixedBasePathResolverClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Resolver
A path resolver that wraps another path resolver with a fixed base path.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::fromDriveAndAtoms() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Creates a new absolute Windows path from a set of path atoms and a drive specifier.
RelativeWindowsPath::fromDriveAndAtoms() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Creates a new relative Windows path from a set of path atoms and a drive specifier.
WindowsPath::fromDriveAndAtoms() — Method in class WindowsPath
Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms and a drive specifier.


AbstractPath::hasAtoms() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path has any atoms.
AbstractPath::hasTrailingSeparator() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path has a trailing separator.
AbstractPath::hasExtension() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path has any extensions.
PathInterface::hasAtoms() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path has any atoms.
PathInterface::hasTrailingSeparator() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path has a trailing separator.
PathInterface::hasExtension() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path has any extensions.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::hasDrive() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Determine whether this path has a drive specifier.
RelativeWindowsPath::hasDrive() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Determine whether this path has a drive specifier.
WindowsPathInterface::hasDrive() — Method in class WindowsPathInterface
Determine whether this path has a drive specifier.


AbsolutePath::isRoot() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Determine whether this path is the root path.
AbsolutePath::isParentOf() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Determine if this path is the direct parent of the supplied path.
AbsolutePath::isAncestorOf() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Determine if this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
AbsolutePathInterface::isRoot() — Method in class AbsolutePathInterface
Determine whether this path is the root path.
AbsolutePathInterface::isParentOf() — Method in class AbsolutePathInterface
Determine if this path is the direct parent of the supplied path.
AbsolutePathInterface::isAncestorOf() — Method in class AbsolutePathInterface
Determine if this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
InvalidPathAtomCharacterExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
An invalid character was encountered in a path atom.
InvalidPathAtomExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
Interface for exceptions that handle invalid path atom cases.
InvalidPathExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
Interface for exceptions that handle invalid path cases.
InvalidPathStateExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
An attempt was made to construct a new path in an invalid state.
UndefinedAtomException::index() — Method in class UndefinedAtomException
Get the requested atom index.
PathFactory::instance() — Method in class PathFactory
Get a static instance of this path factory.
FileSystemPathFactory::instance() — Method in class FileSystemPathFactory
Get a static instance of this path factory.
PlatformFileSystemPathFactory::instance() — Method in class PlatformFileSystemPathFactory
Get a static instance of this path factory.
FileSystemPathNormalizer::instance() — Method in class FileSystemPathNormalizer
Get a static instance of this path normalizer.
PathNormalizer::instance() — Method in class PathNormalizer
Get a static instance of this path normalizer.
RelativePath::isSelf() — Method in class RelativePath
Determine whether this path is the self path.
RelativePathInterface::isSelf() — Method in class RelativePathInterface
Determine whether this path is the self path.
BasePathResolver::instance() — Method in class BasePathResolver
Get a static instance of this base path resolver.
UnixPathFactory::instance() — Method in class UnixPathFactory
Get a static instance of this path factory.
UnixPathNormalizer::instance() — Method in class UnixPathNormalizer
Get a static instance of this path normalizer.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::isParentOf() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Determine if this path is the direct parent of the supplied path.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::isAncestorOf() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Determine if this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
InvalidDriveSpecifierExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows\Exception
The provided drive specifier is invalid.
WindowsPathFactory::instance() — Method in class WindowsPathFactory
Get a static instance of this path factory.
WindowsPathNormalizer::instance() — Method in class WindowsPathNormalizer
Get a static instance of this path normalizer.
RelativeWindowsPath::isAnchored() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Returns true if this path is 'anchored' to the drive root.
RelativeWindowsPath::isSelf() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Determine whether this path is the self path.
RelativeWindowsPathInterface::isAnchored() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPathInterface
Returns true if this path is 'anchored' to the drive root.
WindowsBasePathResolver::instance() — Method in class WindowsBasePathResolver
Get a static instance of this base path resolver.


AbsolutePath::joinTrailingSlash() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Adds a trailing slash to this path.
AbstractPath::joinAtoms() — Method in class AbstractPath
Joins one or more atoms to this path.
AbstractPath::joinAtomSequence() — Method in class AbstractPath
Joins a sequence of atoms to this path.
AbstractPath::join() — Method in class AbstractPath
Joins the supplied path to this path.
AbstractPath::joinTrailingSlash() — Method in class AbstractPath
Adds a trailing slash to this path.
AbstractPath::joinExtensions() — Method in class AbstractPath
Joins one or more extensions to this path.
AbstractPath::joinExtensionSequence() — Method in class AbstractPath
Joins a sequence of extensions to this path.
PathInterface::joinAtoms() — Method in class PathInterface
Joins one or more atoms to this path.
PathInterface::joinAtomSequence() — Method in class PathInterface
Joins a sequence of atoms to this path.
PathInterface::join() — Method in class PathInterface
Joins the supplied path to this path.
PathInterface::joinTrailingSlash() — Method in class PathInterface
Adds a trailing slash to this path.
PathInterface::joinExtensions() — Method in class PathInterface
Joins one or more extensions to this path.
PathInterface::joinExtensionSequence() — Method in class PathInterface
Joins a sequence of extensions to this path.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::joinDrive() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Joins the supplied drive specifier to this path.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::join() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Joins the supplied path to this path.
RelativeWindowsPath::joinDrive() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Joins the supplied drive specifier to this path.
RelativeWindowsPath::join() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Joins the supplied path to this path.
WindowsPathInterface::joinDrive() — Method in class WindowsPathInterface
Joins the supplied drive specifier to this path.


DriveMismatchException::leftDrive() — Method in class DriveMismatchException
Get the left-hand drive specifier.


AbstractPath::matches() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path matches a wildcard pattern.
AbstractPath::matchesRegex() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path matches a regular expression.
PathInterface::matches() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path matches a wildcard pattern.
PathInterface::matchesRegex() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path matches a regular expression.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::matchesDrive() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Returns true if this path's drive specifier is equal to the supplied drive specifier.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::matchesDriveOrNull() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Returns true if this path's drive specifier matches the supplied drive specifier, or if either drive specifier is null.
RelativeWindowsPath::matchesDrive() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Returns true if this path's drive specifier is equal to the supplied drive specifier.
RelativeWindowsPath::matchesDriveOrNull() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Returns true if this path's drive specifier matches the supplied drive specifier, or if either drive specifier is null.
WindowsPathInterface::matchesDrive() — Method in class WindowsPathInterface
Returns true if this path's drive specifier matches the supplied drive specifier.
WindowsPathInterface::matchesDriveOrNull() — Method in class WindowsPathInterface
Returns true if this path's drive specifier matches the supplied drive specifier, or if either drive specifier is null.


AbstractPath::name() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get this path's name.
AbstractPath::nameAtoms() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get this path's name atoms.
AbstractPath::nameAtomAt() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get a single path name atom by index.
AbstractPath::nameAtomAtDefault() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get a single path name atom by index, falling back to a default if the index is undefined.
AbstractPath::nameWithoutExtension() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get this path's name, excluding the last extension.
AbstractPath::namePrefix() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get this path's name, excluding all extensions.
AbstractPath::nameSuffix() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get all of this path's extensions.
AbstractPath::nameContains() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path's name contains a substring.
AbstractPath::nameStartsWith() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path's name starts with a substring.
AbstractPath::nameMatches() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path's name matches a wildcard pattern.
AbstractPath::nameMatchesRegex() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path's name matches a regular expression.
AbstractPath::normalize() — Method in class AbstractPath
Normalize this path to its most canonical form.
NonAbsolutePathExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
The supplied path is not absolute.
NonRelativePathExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
The supplied path is not relative.
FileSystemPathNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class FileSystemPathNormalizer
Normalize the supplied path to its most canonical form.
PathNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class PathNormalizer
Normalize the supplied path to its most canonical form.
PathNormalizerInterface::normalize() — Method in class PathNormalizerInterface
Normalize the supplied path to its most canonical form.
PathInterface::name() — Method in class PathInterface
Get this path's name.
PathInterface::nameAtoms() — Method in class PathInterface
Get this path's name atoms.
PathInterface::nameAtomAt() — Method in class PathInterface
Get a single path name atom by index.
PathInterface::nameAtomAtDefault() — Method in class PathInterface
Get a single path name atom by index, falling back to a default if the index is undefined.
PathInterface::nameWithoutExtension() — Method in class PathInterface
Get this path's name, excluding the last extension.
PathInterface::namePrefix() — Method in class PathInterface
Get this path's name, excluding all extensions.
PathInterface::nameSuffix() — Method in class PathInterface
Get all of this path's extensions.
PathInterface::nameContains() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path's name contains a substring.
PathInterface::nameStartsWith() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path's name starts with a substring.
PathInterface::nameMatches() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path's name matches a wildcard pattern.
PathInterface::nameMatchesRegex() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path's name matches a regular expression.
PathInterface::normalize() — Method in class PathInterface
Normalize this path to its most canonical form.
WindowsPathNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class WindowsPathNormalizer
Normalize the supplied path to its most canonical form.


AbstractPath::parent() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get the parent of this path a specified number of levels up.
AbstractPath::prefixName() — Method in class AbstractPath
Prefixes this path's name with a supplied string.
AbstractInvalidPathException::path() — Method in class AbstractInvalidPathException
Get the invalid path.
InvalidPathExceptionInterface::path() — Method in class InvalidPathExceptionInterface
Get the invalid path.
PathAtomContainsSeparatorExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
A supplied path atom contains a path separator.
PathFactoryClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory
A path factory that creates generic, Unix-style path instances.
PathFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory
The interface implemented by path factories.
PlatformFileSystemPathFactoryClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\Factory
A path factory that produces file system paths whose type correlates to the platform on which the code is running.
PlatformFileSystemPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem
A static utility class for constructing file system paths.
PathNormalizerClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Normalizer
A path normalizer suitable for generic, Unix-style path instances.
PathNormalizerInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Normalizer
The interface implemented by path normalizers.
PathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen
A static utility class for constructing generic paths.
PathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen
The interface implemented by all Pathogen paths.
PathInterface::parent() — Method in class PathInterface
Get the parent of this path a specified number of levels up.
PathInterface::prefixName() — Method in class PathInterface
Prefixes this path's name with a supplied string.
PathResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Resolver
The interface implemented by path resolvers that do not require a base path.


AbsolutePath::relativeTo() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Determine the shortest path from the supplied path to this path.
AbsolutePath::resolve() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Resolve the supplied path against this path.
AbsolutePathInterface::relativeTo() — Method in class AbsolutePathInterface
Determine the shortest path from the supplied path to this path.
AbsolutePathInterface::resolve() — Method in class AbsolutePathInterface
Resolve the supplied path against this path.
AbstractPath::replace() — Method in class AbstractPath
Replace a section of this path with the supplied atom sequence.
AbstractPath::replaceName() — Method in class AbstractPath
Replace this path's name.
AbstractPath::replaceNameWithoutExtension() — Method in class AbstractPath
Replace this path's name, but keep the last extension.
AbstractPath::replaceNamePrefix() — Method in class AbstractPath
Replace this path's name, but keep any extensions.
AbstractPath::replaceNameSuffix() — Method in class AbstractPath
Replace all of this path's extensions.
AbstractPath::replaceExtension() — Method in class AbstractPath
Replace this path's last extension.
AbstractPath::replaceNameAtoms() — Method in class AbstractPath
Replace a section of this path's name with the supplied name atom sequence.
AbstractInvalidPathAtomException::reason() — Method in class AbstractInvalidPathAtomException
Get the reason message.
AbstractInvalidPathException::reason() — Method in class AbstractInvalidPathException
Get the reason message.
EmptyPathAtomException::reason() — Method in class EmptyPathAtomException
Get the reason message.
InvalidPathAtomCharacterException::reason() — Method in class InvalidPathAtomCharacterException
Get the reason message.
InvalidPathAtomExceptionInterface::reason() — Method in class InvalidPathAtomExceptionInterface
Get the reason message.
InvalidPathExceptionInterface::reason() — Method in class InvalidPathExceptionInterface
Get the reason message.
InvalidPathStateException::reason() — Method in class InvalidPathStateException
Get the reason message.
NonAbsolutePathException::reason() — Method in class NonAbsolutePathException
Get the reason message.
NonRelativePathException::reason() — Method in class NonRelativePathException
Get the reason message.
PathAtomContainsSeparatorException::reason() — Method in class PathAtomContainsSeparatorException
Get the reason message.
RelativeFileSystemPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem
The interface implemented by relative file system paths.
PathInterface::replace() — Method in class PathInterface
Replace a section of this path with the supplied atom sequence.
PathInterface::replaceName() — Method in class PathInterface
Replace this path's name.
PathInterface::replaceNameWithoutExtension() — Method in class PathInterface
Replace this path's name, but keep the last extension.
PathInterface::replaceNamePrefix() — Method in class PathInterface
Replace this path's name, but keep any extensions.
PathInterface::replaceNameSuffix() — Method in class PathInterface
Replace all of this path's extensions.
PathInterface::replaceExtension() — Method in class PathInterface
Replace this path's last extension.
PathInterface::replaceNameAtoms() — Method in class PathInterface
Replace a section of this path's name with the supplied name atom sequence.
RelativePathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen
Represents a relative path.
RelativePath::resolveAgainst() — Method in class RelativePath
Resolve this path against the supplied path.
RelativePathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen
The interface implemented by relative paths.
RelativePathInterface::resolveAgainst() — Method in class RelativePathInterface
Resolve this path against the supplied path.
BasePathResolver::resolve() — Method in class BasePathResolver
Resolve a path against a given base path.
BasePathResolverInterface::resolve() — Method in class BasePathResolverInterface
Resolve a path against a given base path.
FixedBasePathResolver::resolver() — Method in class FixedBasePathResolver
Get the base path resolver used internally by this resolver.
FixedBasePathResolver::resolve() — Method in class FixedBasePathResolver
Resolve a path against the base path.
PathResolverInterface::resolve() — Method in class PathResolverInterface
Resolve the supplied path.
RelativeUnixPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix
Represents a relative Unix path.
RelativeUnixPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix
The interface implemented by relative Unix paths.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::relativeTo() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Determine the shortest path from the supplied path to this path.
DriveMismatchException::rightDrive() — Method in class DriveMismatchException
Get the right-hand drive specifier.
RelativeWindowsPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows
Represents a relative Windows path.
RelativeWindowsPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows
The interface implemented by relative Windows paths.
WindowsBasePathResolver::resolve() — Method in class WindowsBasePathResolver
Resolve a path against a given base path.


AbsolutePath::string() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Generate a string representation of this path.
AbstractPath::sliceAtoms() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get a subset of the atoms of this path.
AbstractPath::string() — Method in class AbstractPath
Generate a string representation of this path.
AbstractPath::sliceNameAtoms() — Method in class AbstractPath
Get a subset of this path's name atoms.
AbstractPath::startsWith() — Method in class AbstractPath
Determine if this path starts with a substring.
AbstractPath::stripTrailingSlash() — Method in class AbstractPath
Strips the trailing slash from this path.
AbstractPath::stripExtension() — Method in class AbstractPath
Strips the last extension from this path.
AbstractPath::stripNameSuffix() — Method in class AbstractPath
Strips all extensions from this path.
AbstractPath::suffixName() — Method in class AbstractPath
Suffixes this path's name with a supplied string.
PathInterface::sliceAtoms() — Method in class PathInterface
Get a subset of the atoms of this path.
PathInterface::string() — Method in class PathInterface
Generate a string representation of this path.
PathInterface::sliceNameAtoms() — Method in class PathInterface
Get a subset of this path's name atoms.
PathInterface::startsWith() — Method in class PathInterface
Determine if this path starts with a substring.
PathInterface::stripTrailingSlash() — Method in class PathInterface
Strips the trailing slash from this path.
PathInterface::stripExtension() — Method in class PathInterface
Strips the last extension from this path.
PathInterface::stripNameSuffix() — Method in class PathInterface
Strips all extensions from this path.
PathInterface::suffixName() — Method in class PathInterface
Suffixes this path's name with a supplied string.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::string() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Generate a string representation of this path.
RelativeWindowsPath::string() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Generate a string representation of this path.


AbsolutePath::toAbsolute() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Get an absolute version of this path.
AbsolutePath::toRelative() — Method in class AbsolutePath
Get a relative version of this path.
PathInterface::toAbsolute() — Method in class PathInterface
Get an absolute version of this path.
PathInterface::toRelative() — Method in class PathInterface
Get a relative version of this path.
RelativePath::toAbsolute() — Method in class RelativePath
Get an absolute version of this path.
RelativePath::toRelative() — Method in class RelativePath
Get a relative version of this path.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::toRelative() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Get a relative version of this path.
RelativeWindowsPath::toAbsolute() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Get an absolute version of this path.


UndefinedAtomExceptionClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Exception
An undefined atom was requested.
AbstractFileSystemPathFactory::unixFactory() — Method in class AbstractFileSystemPathFactory
Get the path factory used for Unix paths.
FileSystemPathNormalizer::unixNormalizer() — Method in class FileSystemPathNormalizer
Get the path normalizer used for Unix paths.
UnixPathFactoryClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix\Factory
A path factory that creates Unix path instances.
UnixPathNormalizerClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix\Normalizer
A path normalizer suitable for normalizing Unix paths.
UnixPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix
A static utility class for constructing Unix paths.
UnixPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Unix
The interface implemented by all Unix paths.


AbstractFileSystemPathFactory::windowsFactory() — Method in class AbstractFileSystemPathFactory
Get the path factory used for Windows paths.
FileSystemPathNormalizer::windowsNormalizer() — Method in class FileSystemPathNormalizer
Get the path normalizer used for Windows paths.
WindowsPathFactoryClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows\Factory
A path factory that creates Windows path instances.
WindowsPathFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows\Factory
The interface implemented by path factories that create Windows paths.
WindowsPathNormalizerClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows\Normalizer
A path normalizer suitable for normalizing Windows paths.
WindowsBasePathResolverClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows\Resolver
A path resolver that resolves against Windows base paths.
WindowsPathClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows
A static utility class for constructing Windows paths.
WindowsPathInterfaceClass in namespace Eloquent\Pathogen\Windows
The interface implemented by all Windows paths.


AbstractPath::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPath
Construct a new path instance.
AbstractPath::__toString() — Method in class AbstractPath
Generate a string representation of this path.
AbstractInvalidPathAtomException::__construct() — Method in class AbstractInvalidPathAtomException
Construct a new invalid path atom exception.
AbstractInvalidPathException::__construct() — Method in class AbstractInvalidPathException
Construct a new invalid path exception.
EmptyPathAtomException::__construct() — Method in class EmptyPathAtomException
Construct a new empty path atom exception.
EmptyPathException::__construct() — Method in class EmptyPathException
Construct a new empty path exception.
InvalidPathAtomCharacterException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidPathAtomCharacterException
Construct a new invalid path atom character exception.
InvalidPathStateException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidPathStateException
Construct a new invalid path state exception.
UndefinedAtomException::__construct() — Method in class UndefinedAtomException
Construct a new undefined atom exception.
AbstractFileSystemPathFactory::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFileSystemPathFactory
Construct a new file system path factory.
FileSystemPathNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class FileSystemPathNormalizer
Construct a new file system path normalizer.
PathNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class PathNormalizer
Construct a new path normalizer.
PathInterface::__toString() — Method in class PathInterface
Generate a string representation of this path.
FixedBasePathResolver::__construct() — Method in class FixedBasePathResolver
Construct a new fixed base path resolver.
UnixPathNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class UnixPathNormalizer
Construct a new path normalizer.
AbsoluteWindowsPath::__construct() — Method in class AbsoluteWindowsPath
Construct a new path instance.
DriveMismatchException::__construct() — Method in class DriveMismatchException
Constructs a new drive specifier mismatch exception.
InvalidDriveSpecifierException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidDriveSpecifierException
Constructs a new invalid drive specifier exception.
WindowsPathNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class WindowsPathNormalizer
Construct a new Windows path normalizer.
RelativeWindowsPath::__construct() — Method in class RelativeWindowsPath
Construct a new relative Windows path instance.