eloquent/pathogen API


abstract class Path

A static utility class for constructing generic paths.

Do not use this class in type hints; use PathInterface instead.


static PathInterface fromString(string $path)

Creates a new path instance from its string representation.

static PathInterface fromAtoms(mixed<string> $atoms, boolean|null $isAbsolute = null, boolean|null $hasTrailingSeparator = null)

Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.


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static public PathInterface fromString(string $path)

Creates a new path instance from its string representation.


string $path The string representation of the path.

Return Value

PathInterface The newly created path instance.

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static public PathInterface fromAtoms(mixed<string> $atoms, boolean|null $isAbsolute = null, boolean|null $hasTrailingSeparator = null)

Creates a new path instance from a set of path atoms.


mixed<string> $atoms The path atoms.
boolean|null $isAbsolute True if the path is absolute.
boolean|null $hasTrailingSeparator True if the path has a trailing separator.

Return Value

PathInterface The newly created path instance.


InvalidPathAtomExceptionInterface If any of the supplied atoms are invalid.