eloquent/pathogen API


interface RelativeFileSystemPathInterface implements RelativePathInterface, FileSystemPathInterface

The interface implemented by relative file system paths.


boolean isSelf()

Determine whether this path is the self path.

from RelativePathInterface
AbsolutePathInterface resolveAgainst(AbsolutePathInterface $basePath)

Resolve this path against the supplied path.

from RelativePathInterface


in RelativePathInterface at line 27
public boolean isSelf()

Determine whether this path is the self path.

The self path is a relative path with a single self atom (i.e. a dot '.').

Return Value

boolean True if this path is the self path.

in RelativePathInterface at line 36
public AbsolutePathInterface resolveAgainst(AbsolutePathInterface $basePath)

Resolve this path against the supplied path.


AbsolutePathInterface $basePath The path to resolve against.

Return Value

AbsolutePathInterface The resolved path.